Welcome to OMEC
The Organic Materials in Electronics Consortium
Organic materials in electronics

Electronic devices based on organic (carbon based) chemistry have many potential advantages over conventional crystalline semiconductor devices. Our current research spans the interface between bulk and molecular electronics to develop new devices. These developments are focussed in areas such as flexible circuitry, sensor technology and low cost fabrication routes, where these novel materials can compete most effectively with the entrenched silicon semiconductor based technologies.
Established in 2002 under the EPSRC‘s ‘Carbon Based Electronics Initiative’, OMEC is one of a small group of partnerships working in this area of growing strategic and scientific importance. The OMEC partnership is drawn from leading researchers in the field, working in universities and industry in the UK.
Preparing useful electronic devices from molecular materials requires a holistic approach, bringing together expertise in synthesis, nanotechnology, device physics, processing and manufacturing.
Current projects include:
- Novel organic semiconductors discovering new materials with useful electronic properties.
- Low cost chemical sensors based on organic conductors and semicondictors.
- Converting light into power – photovoltaics; polymers and other materials for converting sunlight into power.